Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Springtime at Versailles

Happy spring everyone! I am so glad that spring has officially begun. Unfortunately the weather was a bit chilly and grey today where I live. To celebrate the start of spring, here are some pictures(not mine of course) from the gardens at Versailles.

Don't you just love how everything is so symmetrical and organized, yet so graceful? I'd love to see your pictures from Versailles! Let me know of any online photo albums, such as photobucket or flickr, that you have.



The Paris Apartment said...

wow those shots are AmAzIng! it's hard to believe that folk art and the age of Versailles happened simultaneously!!

The Paris Apartment said...

wow, those shots are AmAzInG!!
it's hard to believe that folk art and Versailles happened at the same time!!